Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Simple Things

I love walking. I love that I have legs and a body that can keep up with how much my brain needs us to walk. I love running as fast as my too slow legs can take me, and feeling the wind in my hair and leaving my worries in my trail. I love feeling my heart pulsing in every inch of my body, and for those few minutes feeling alive and beating.

I love that I can enjoy my own company. I love that being alone doesn't scare me, that I crave spending time away from the world more than I crave being with it. I love being in my own little bubble, away from the pull of everyone around me and feeling unbound and safe. I love hearing my own thoughts as I breathe in silence, and seeing the images of my mind as I revel in the darkness.

I love reading. I love that I have an imagination that allows me to create worlds out of books and to live in them. I love how engrossing a book can be, and how willing I am to let go of reality and surrender to the beauty of fiction. I love that I don't need a ritual to read, all I need is a book and my mind and I am gone. I love that I can read for hours on end no matter where I am, or what surrounds me.

I love that I can smile. I love that no matter how much my brain is weeping inside, I can always find it in me to smile and laugh. I love that tears and worries don't break me, and that I can always chase them away with a happy thought. I love that I have enough positivity in me to outbalance all the negative, and I love that when I feel like screaming I can smile instead.

I love that I rarely get bored. I love that I love picking up new skills. I love that I am independent. I love that I am fully self-serviceable and functional. I love that I have amazing family and friends. I love that I can be as evil as I am nice. I love that I am ocpd, and I love that I can control it. I love that I can list so many small things that I love about myself and my life. I love that I can probably go on listing forever.

You have to appreciate what God has given you. It's the simple things that we take most for granted, and they are the things that truly make or break us. Sometimes you just need to stop and appreciate all the things you have, and smile to yourself and let the words el 7amdlillah come out honest and true from deep inside of you. El 7amdlillah. 

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