Sunday, September 27, 2015

Silence & Solitude

Abandon me on an island and forget that I ever existed. Leave me where there are no distractions. Let me be among utter silence, somewhere where the only sounds piercing the quiet are those of nature. Waves, wind and creatures that aren't human. Abandon me with nothing but myself, and let the silence and solitude push me into tending to my insides.

The war has ended, and I lost in more ways than one. My mind is in ruins, and my soul is scattered. The debris left from all the battles is threatening to drown the last remnants of who I am. Everything printed on my outsides is foreign. Everything that is left of me is alien. Somewhere amidst the fighting I became things I'm not. I no longer recognize myself. I lost, and I am lost.

Abandon me on an island and forget that I ever existed. Leave me where there are no distractions to numb my pain. Let me be among utter silence, somewhere where the only sounds piercing the quiet come from within. Thoughts, recollections and decisions that need to be made. Abandon me with nothing but myself, and let the silence and solitude push me into finding the self I lost. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Barren Land

I am choking on my "independence". I am falling on the two legs that hold me up. My "I function better alone" is constricting my throat, and my "I am an introvert" has sucked me dry. I have used up all the energy my "self" has to offer, and all the support my independence has to lend. I have fallen within my own armored shell, and the walls that protect me have become my dying cell. I craned my neck beyond my now evil walls, and all I saw around my shields was barren land. Perhaps the walls had no one to keep out, and all they were built for was to hold me in.