Friday, April 15, 2016

Pain is Pain

When we're in pain, it's easy to shrink in on ourselves and think that the people around us, the ones trying to listen and help, don't feel as we do. It's part of the pain to make us feel like we aren't understood, like we're alone suffering in its clutches and no one can possibly know what it's like. So we push people away and hide with our pain, it clinging to us and us clinging to it.

But if we can break free of that circle, if we can find the strength to look beyond what our suffering wants us to see. Then we'll realize that hurt is hurt, pain is pain and that everyone out there has tried its bitter taste one way or another. We are never alone in pain, just as we are never alone in living and breathing.

Some people might forget the exact flavor, they might be insensitive, they might lack compassion.. But underneath all those personality traits everybody knows. We all do. You are not alone. Don't let the pain lie to you. You are understood, and we know how you feel. 

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