You grabbed a chisel and took it to the rock of me. You hammered at my stone and filed at my edges. Hammer, hammer, hammer -trying to change the shape of me, trying to add new shadows and new highlights. You beat your instruments against who I am, and tried to mold me into a shape you would like better. You tore at my stone flesh and attacked it with no mercy.
I tried to hold my shape. I tried to keep my rock strong and unyielding. I tried to absorb the force with which you beat me. Hammer, hammer, hammer -trying to keep my rock from splitting, trying to fight your instruments of change. But you won't stop your attack. You won't stop filing at my skin. You drive your metal deep within the weak edges of my stone and try to pry the pieces apart. I hold on to myself with every ounce of strength I possess. I will not yield. I will not change. I will not be who I am not.
But hammer, hammer, hammer at my shape, my spirit and my soul. Hammer until I break. Hammer until I yield to your chisel. Hammer until you change me against my will. My stone crumbles to your will, and the shape of me becomes what you envisioned. I am not who I am anymore. I am who you wanted me to be.
I fell. You won.
But let me tell you this; if you love someone, you love them as you found them. If you don't, you walk away or you change them into something you can tolerate and love. They always say be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it. And you just did. Beware.
I tried to hold my shape. I tried to keep my rock strong and unyielding. I tried to absorb the force with which you beat me. Hammer, hammer, hammer -trying to keep my rock from splitting, trying to fight your instruments of change. But you won't stop your attack. You won't stop filing at my skin. You drive your metal deep within the weak edges of my stone and try to pry the pieces apart. I hold on to myself with every ounce of strength I possess. I will not yield. I will not change. I will not be who I am not.
But hammer, hammer, hammer at my shape, my spirit and my soul. Hammer until I break. Hammer until I yield to your chisel. Hammer until you change me against my will. My stone crumbles to your will, and the shape of me becomes what you envisioned. I am not who I am anymore. I am who you wanted me to be.
I fell. You won.
But let me tell you this; if you love someone, you love them as you found them. If you don't, you walk away or you change them into something you can tolerate and love. They always say be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it. And you just did. Beware.